Saturday, December 31, 2011

First Egg!

Our girls started laying in September. Their first egg was a sweet tiny one... just the size of a small pine cone.

Lewis River Summer

Our family discovered the Lewis River this year. We went to some sweet swimming holes for day dips and camped out at the Lower Lewis Falls. It is a beautiful watershed in the Pinchot Gifford National Forest. The water is cold and clear and the habitat surrounding pristine. We will most definitely be back next year!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Summer Sweets


Phew! It was a long haul! Almost 10 years off and on... long haul! Through two amazing children and two jobs I kept at it. As much as I cursed being a non traditional student, I was always thankful for the opportunity. Now looking back over the whole experience I realize that I couldn't have done it without the support, love, and encouragement from family and friends.
June was celebration month complete with the official walk with my College of Forestry class. After my dear friend Robin hosted a camp out BBQ party extravaganza. All our kids, dogs, chickens, horses, and my favorite cake by Nana made an appearance. The most amazing surprise was that the Rasmussens and Culvers road tripped out to come. It was a party I will never forget.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Kruger Concert Time!

Our annual tradition kicked off with a super special visit from our very best mates. There was a amazing food, great music, and our best friends.. it was a magical night!

Portland Pride

We celebrated pride Portland style by meeting up with Nana down on Burnside to enjoy the parade... she strategically placed us near whole foods so we could access snacks and treats easily! Favorites this year were to many to count but the pics captured some.

Red Oak Ranch

Our dear friend moved out to a beautiful property in Wilsonville. Now her 3 horses Lola, Roxy, and Maggie have plenty of room to roam and a new barn to boot. It is a sweet spot!

Yurts and Sand Dollars

We had a glorious yurt stay at Nehalem Beach State Park. We loved the dunes, wildlife, and a great little hike to the jetty. The highlight of the trip was a treasure trove of sand dollars along the beach.