Friday, November 27, 2009


The kids had an amazing Thanksgiving holiday learning all the tricks of the trade from their nana! She let them in on her secrets from her amazing pumpkin pie to her giant organic turkey. We spent two glorious days baking, knitting, and playing all cozy in our pj's by a fire. This is what holidays are for! To be close to the ones you love, to rejuvenate, and to give thanks for all that you have.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fruit Stripe Hats

Silky love gloves

All you need is some silky manos inspiration and this incredibly cute glovelette patter. I can't wait to finish and they work up quick! Even Jimmy approved of the colors....

Monday, November 2, 2009


We were so lucky to have a dry and gorgeous Halloween this year. Fall leaves are still abound and there is still some warmth left in the air. The kids and I had a relaxing and fun time this year, even amidst hectic schedules and mini colds. They got all dressed up for school fun, we had a pumpkin pancake breakfast.. mmm with pumpkin butter, pumpkin carving in pajamas, and a super trick or treat night. Bijou was a super witch and even put a spell on doxie Jimmy to be her witchly brew for pictures. Jackson embodied Indiana Jones perfectly, even climbing trees for artifacts. All in all a great season and a great holiday!